Sunday, April 20, 2008


To start I would life to say that these blog entries are to benefit no one except me. They are meant to allow my brain to offload some of what it has stored for that day. Some of the entries are meaningful and some are not. However they all help me be me.

I was sitting today thinking about art and those who make it. There are a whole group of people who call themselves "artists" who live a very different life. Forgive me but I am about to speak stereotypically of a group of people that may not deserve my ridicule. "Artists" can do lots of things that most of us can't and they do them in the name of art. They can stack trash or draw a stick figure and call it art when anyone could have done this. They can stop showering for days and it is supposed to mean something or some sort of rebellion. They think just because they are "artists" they can live behind this wall and be different from the rest of us. The wall is what I have a problem with. We are all afraid. We are all confused. Artists can hide behind walls of existentialism in order to make the world think they have figured it out. I won't conform because I am misunderstood and I am alone. The truth is we are all the same. We all are born with a hole. How we fill this hole is up to us. Some choose drugs. Some choose Money. Some choose pornography. Some choose art. The idea here is that it has to be filled. I understand art. I am a musician so I understand music and the wantonness of wanting to be unique. I am me. There are no more walls and no more beating around the bush. Life is too short